Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Are Spiders a Natural Exterminator or Pest Control Problem

The fear that many people have of spiders, prevents them from appreciating the natural pest control services, that members of the species provide. In fact, well known spiders like the Cellar spider, Jumping spider, Wolf spider and Daddy Long-Legs (Harvestmen), cause some concern in people who mistakenly believe; that they are venomous. Although these spiders are sometimes large, hairy and formidable-looking, their bite is (typically) less harmful; than a common bee sting.

Most species of spiders are predators and carnivores, making them a very effective natural exterminator of insects and bugs; including moths, mosquitoes, flies, beetles, aphids and mites. Eventhough spiders are generally carnivorous, there are some species, that will supplement their diet of garden pests, with nectar and pollen.

Make no mistake, although many spider species are considered beneficial insects, some are highly aggressive and notorious for attacking humans. Thankfully, many of these spiders do not have a bite strong enough to break a person's skin, or venom potent enough to cause serious side-effects. Nevertheless, these elusive invaders walk a thin line between natural exterminator, and pest control problem.

1 comment:

  1. Regardless of how pest experts try to pitch the spider as a beneficial insect, and provider of natural pest control services for homeowners and gardeners, some people are still afraid of them.
