Many homeowners who are confronted with the possibility of a painful scorpion attack, are seeking natural pest control methods of deterring these venomous pests, from invading their dwelling. The reality is, if a scorpion cannot gain entry to the house, there is little (or no) chance of an encounter or attack; inside the home.
Homeowners should begin their natural pest control strategy, with a thorough inspection and clean up, of their property. Loose lumber and piles of rocks, debris or garbage, especially near foundation walls, should be thoroughly checked for scorpions; and removed from the area. Lawns and landscaping should be kept short and well-trimmed, ensuring as well that no branches are overhanging, near or above the house. Furthermore, all cracks and holes in interior or exterior walls, foundation or siding, must be repaired immediately. As well, make certain that all window and door screens are secure, and do not have any holes in them.
Scorpion stings are considered especially dangerous, when inflicted upon children or the elderly. As such, property owners with young or elderly family members/tenants present, should make every effort to ensure their safety; from a painful scorpion attack. Simple home repairs and improvements, can lay an effective pest control foundation, for the prevention of a scorpion invasion.
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