Monday, March 14, 2011

Aphid Lions Are Natural Exterminators of Common Garden Pests

Although the adult lacewing is a harmless, graceful insect that feeds on pollen, nectar and even honeydew, the young Green lacewing larvae have a big appetite and attack common garden pests so voraciously; that they have earned the nickname "aphid lions." Utilizing unique mouth parts that are elongated into sharp hollow needles, the Green lacewing larvae quickly pierce their prey; and drain them dry within minutes.

Aphid lions are particularly effective predators, perhaps more so than the lady bugs and preying mantis. In addition to aphids, Green lacewing larvae consume large numbers of spider mites, potato beetle larva, thrips, white flies, bud worms, long-tailed mealybugs, and the eggs of leaf hoppers, moths and leaf miners and other small pests; that can destroy garden vegetables.

Considering its role as a beneficial insect and natural exterminator, Green lacewing larvae are popular with gardeners and homeowners, because they offer a safe, non-chemical alternative; for controlling aphids and other unwanted garden pests.

1 comment:

  1. With such a ferocious appetite, the name "aphid lions" is ideal; for describing this beneficial insect. As well as aphids, Green lacewing larvae provide valuable pest control services against other small garden pests, like spider mites, potato beetle larva, thrips, whiteflies, budworms, mealybugs, moths and leaf miners.
