When considering natural pest control methods to battle unwanted garden pest problems, such as aphids, scale insects, mealybugs, and mites; beneficial insects can provide a natural pest control solution.
It can be highly advantageous to maintain the balance of nature in your garden, and provide a natural exterminator, like the Soldier beetle and/or ladybug; with a generous supply of food and a supportive habitat.
Homeowners and gardeners can encourage a strong population of both the Soldier beetle and ladybug, by introducing an environment that supports their continued growth and development. For instance, the Soldier beetle supplements it's aphids diet, with nectar and pollen. As such, incorporating plants into the area that produce this alternate food supply, will promote a healthy population of Soldier beetles; resulting in a natural form of pest control services for gardens.
Introducing a beneficial insect population, to help with exterminating garden pests, is a proven natural pest control method. The difficulty arises for homeowners, when beneficial insects grow into pest control problems; of their own.