An ant invasion can cause serious damage to a home and property. In order to deter an invasion, homeowners and property managers must remove all sources of attraction for these pests. For example, keep counter tops and tables free of crumbs, and sticky juice spots. Cover the sugar container and (if applicable) place your honey jar in a plastic bag. Eliminate all sources of water, such as dripping faucets, or dirty dishes left to soak overnight; in the kitchen sink.
If ant pests have already invaded your home, trace the ant column back to the point of entry. In a small line, place any of the following items at the entrance area: cayenne pepper, citrus oil (can be soaked into a piece of string), lemon juice, cinnamon or coffee grounds. Then, watch in amazement, as the ants will not cross the line.
In the areas of your home that are experiencing the most ant activity, place a small, low wattage light on for a few nights . It has been suggested that the change in light, will disrupt and further discourage the ant's foraging patterns.
In any case, prevention is the best method of pest control, for concerned homeowners and property managers. Once ants have infested a home, structure or dwelling, it becomes a difficult task for homeowners to address. As such, many victims of a serious ant invasion, will seek the advice of pest control professionals; to effectively eliminate the pest problem.
Being mindful and following a strategy to deter an ant invasion, can prevent damage to property, loss on investment and prevent the need to employ emergency exterminator services; or implement other pest control methods.